Tuesday 27 November 2012

OpenBook Project Ireland is a small, non-profit Irish christian Project run by volunteers around the country with the objective of sharing God’s Word & the life changing Message of Jesus Christ in print & digital media in Ireland -so that it is freely and readily available & understandable to every person who would like to hear the message on this island.
Background: Biblical literacy in Ireland today 
• The Bible is (incredibly) still a relatively unknown, closed book, although vaguely respected. Very few have read the Bible -God's message to humanity. (That's why we call the project 'Openbook')
• Most people have very little idea of what the message of Jesus actually is.
We would like to help address issues like these.

Our National Treasure
Ireland has a rich heritage of the gospel coming with Saint Patrick and in fact a copy of the gospels (The Book of Kells in Trinity College, Dublin) is regarded as our National Treasure.
Ironically, scriptural knowledge in our country is almost nil. 

What do we do?
We design the calendar ourselves & arrange printing of the annual booklet/calendar called 'Iosa -Inspirational Irish Christian Calendar' featuring scenes from Ireland with Bible verses & inspirational educational and gospel messages. Designed specifically for free, non-profit distribution within Ireland, this calendar is used by over 80 different christian churches all over the island of Ireland – North & South. Many photographers have supplied free photos over the years.
Average Calendar Printrun= 35,000.

How is the Free Calendar financed?
The various churches that distribute the Calendar club together via the Openbook Project to pay for the printing and then organise for copies to be given away for free. This keeps the costs lower than if each church printed their own calendar. Also some individuals send us donations towards the costs.

How can I help this project?
If you would like join with the production or distribution of the Calendar, simply email us on: openbookireland@gmail.com and we will get back to you. Please note: this is a volunteer based project. 

Irish Christian Calendar 2015 preview

OpenBook is operated by:
Mervyn -director
Peadar -designer
Aiden, Eddie, Erika -photographers
& with thanks to many other volunteers

Please eMail: openbookireland@gmail.com for information on this project.
May the Irish once again hear the Word of the Living God -loud & clear!
Thank you,

www.4you.ie -Find out about authentic Christianity
www.aontas.ie -Join with christians from around Ireland

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